10 Tips for running in the heat 2022
Ah, summer. It's time to get out of the office, hit the road and break your body down a little bit. If you're looking for an excuse to put off those long-distance runs until autumn, I've got one: It's hot out there! But running in the heat isn't all bad news—it can help with weight loss and is generally good exercise for your heart, lungs and muscles. That said, it does come with some risks (especially if you run outdoors). Follow these tips for safe running in the heat:
Know the heat.
The best way to know how to dress for the heat is to understand what makes a day hot. The most important factors are temperature, humidity and wind speed. Knowing these things will help you choose clothes appropriate for your run so you can stay cool and avoid heat stroke, exhaustion or cramps.
To calculate heat index, add together the following four numbers: temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit), relative humidity (%RH), dew point (°F) and wind speed in miles per hour (mph). Then multiply this number by 10 for Fahrenheit; multiply it by 20 for Celsius or Kelvin. For example:
If it is 90°F with 60%RH, 68°F dew point and 5 mph winds...
...the heat index would be 95°F!
Dress the part.
You’re going to want to dress the part. Running in the heat means you will stay hot, so keep that in mind as you select your clothing for the day.
Wear light, loose-fitting clothes that allow air flow through them. Cotton is not your friend here—try synthetic materials instead (think: athletic wear).
Cover up with a hat and sunscreen on exposed skin (including hands and face), sunglasses, gloves if necessary (you don’t want blisters on your hands!), and a hydration pack or belt to hold water while running.
Get acclimatised
The best way to prepare for hot weather running is to get accustomed to the conditions.
Get outside and run in the heat. You'll know you're ready when you can comfortably run at least 20 minutes at your normal pace, without stopping or even slowing down, while your body temperature rises above 98 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius).
Do a run in the heat the day before your race in order to become acclimated and help prevent dehydration during training runs leading up to it.
Do another long run in similar conditions on race day itself, as well as a few short intervals just after starting out so that nothing feels too strange when adrenaline kicks in later on during competition hours
Keep hydrated.
It's important to drink before you are thirsty. Don't wait until the end of your run to drink some water. You don't want to risk dehydration, which can be dangerous when running in hot weather.
Drink at regular intervals, even if it's just a small amount each time. The best way is by putting some water in a hydration pack and sipping from it along the way instead of having water bottles that weigh down your hands (the exception here is if you have small hands). This also helps prevent heatstroke because if you're moving around at all, the sweat doesn't have time to dry on your body so it cools off faster and eventually evaporates into the air around you, making room for more sweat production which leads into...
Drinking 2 litres per day is recommended but if staying hydrated while exercising outside can be difficult since we tend not drink enough water anyway since most people get their daily requirements from foods such as fruits/veggies instead - where there tends not be much liquid content! It's really important though because this helps keep us cooler during workouts—and even cooler when we go back inside afterwards too! So remember: any kind of physical activity will require extra fluid intake throughout its duration; especially when combined with high temperatures outside."
Plan your route.
Before you run, plan your route. The key is to avoid busy streets and areas where there will be a lot of sun. If possible, plan your route so that it is not on the most direct path from point A to point B; running in any direction other than straight through tends to reduce the heat. Also consider how far away from the sun you'll be while running during these hot months—and remember: shorter runs are better than longer ones if they're going to put you at risk for heat exhaustion or worse.
Lastly and most importantly: don't forget about hills! Hilly terrain can make even moderate temperatures feel like a sauna (I'm looking at you, San Francisco). If possible, find an alternative route that doesn't include hills—or if this isn't possible because of time constraints or other factors (like living next door), then try not standing still when the hill becomes steepest (this will allow blood circulation throughout your body).
Be a sponge.
In the heat, your body sweats to cool itself down. If you're not replacing the fluid, it will eventually cause dehydration. So if you want to stay hydrated and perform at your best, be sure to drink water throughout your run: start sipping right before you head out, and keep at it throughout.
If you're going to be out in the sun for a long time (like on a race course or during training runs), make sure that you have sunscreen and wear a hat with a brim. You should also wear sunglasses or goggles—even if they don't look cool—so that your eyes don't get burned by UV rays.
Don't forget about staying cool! A bandana can help keep sweat from dripping into your eyes while running; a visor keeps sweat off of your face; and sunglasses or goggles protect against harmful UV rays while still allowing air flow around them so there's no fogging up issues during hot summer months...
Chow down on carbs.
Carbohydrates are the most efficient fuel source for the body, and they don’t require much effort to digest. When you’re sweating it out in the summer heat, your body will need to replace glycogen stores that have been depleted by exercise. This can be done with a carbohydrate-rich meal or snack approximately four hours before exercising in hot weather (or two hours after a workout). Carbohydrates are also essential for fueling your brain and nervous system during prolonged exercise, so you want to make sure these organs get enough fuel when you're running around outdoors on a hot day.
Slow it down.
Running in the heat is more tiring than running at a cooler temperature. The faster you run, the more time you spend with your body temperature rising and falling. In addition to this, as mentioned above, when your heart rate is elevated (which happens when running fast), your body cannot cool itself as effectively through sweat evaporation. In other words: if you're running at a slower pace for longer periods of time and maintaining a lower heart rate, then it's going to take longer for your body to become overheated and dehydrated compared to if you were just running faster for shorter periods of time. You'll also spend less energy overall since there'll be less impact on every step that impacts your joints—and that's always good!
Keep your helmet on.
You've probably already heard this a million times, but it's worth saying again: keep your helmet on. Your head is a precious thing and you want to protect it from injury, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and so many more things! It's also one of the most difficult parts of your body to cool down when it gets hot outside. A helmet can really help with both of these issues—it'll keep sweat from dripping into your eyes (and causing irritation), plus it'll protect against falls that could result in head injuries if you're running without one.
Check out these nutrition facts.
The importance of carbohydrates, electrolytes and protein for running in the heat cannot be overstated. They are your body’s primary sources of energy and hydration.
Carbohydrates: Carbs are your body’s main source of fuel during exercise, so it is important to eat foods that contain carbs before you head out on a run (like breakfast). The amount of carbs you need depends on how long or fast-paced your workout will be; this can range from 30 grams up to 60 grams per hour depending on your fitness level (more fit runners need less per hour than less fit ones). Your body can process only so many carbs at once, though—so be sure not to overdo it!
Electrolytes: Electrolytes are minerals found in sweat that help regulate temperature and keep muscles moving properly when they contract during exercise. These include sodium (Na), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg). When we lose water through sweat during hot weather workouts, we also lose these essential electrolyte minerals from our bodies as well—which can lead to cramping or fatigue if not replaced quickly enough with fluids containing them—so make sure you have some kind of sports drink handy!
Running in hot weather can be taxing, so be sure you prepare properly before heading out.
The first step to running in the heat is to be sure that you're hydrated before heading out. Drinking water will help keep your body cool, which makes it easier on the joints and muscles during exercise.
Next, make sure that your clothing is lightweight and breathable so it doesn't trap heat against your skin. It's also important to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher and a hat with a wide brim (the kind Indiana Jones always wears) because these will protect against sunburns as well as burning up energy without actually moving forward.
Finally, remember not to run too fast—even if they say they do it all the time! And don't wear too much clothing or run in the middle of the day when temperatures are at their highest; instead wait until evening when things have cooled down a bit more before heading out for some exercise!
If possible find shade so there's less chance for sunburns or dehydration problems later down the road after sweating off lots of fluid from being active under hot conditions; otherwise just remember to drink plenty before heading home again after exercising outdoors."
If you’re looking for tips to help you enjoy running in the heat, we hope these suggestions have helped. But remember that it’s not just about how hot or cold it is outside—it’s also about what kind of runner you are. Some people like to run fast and hard while others prefer a more relaxed pace. If you aren’t sure how your body will handle heat, take it slow at first. Then, once you get used to running in hot weather, go ahead and push yourself harder!